Sunday, March 3, 2013

Firefox 22 will block third-party cookies by default

Firefox is going to block advertising cookies from third-parties by default. Firefox 22  version will come with default setting which block advertisement cookies. The same technique is possible with the current version but we have to manually enable this in option menu.
Mike Zaneis senior vice president and general counsel for the Interactive Advertising Bureau, published a response on Twitter saying the default setting would be a nuclear first strike against the ad industry.

The current version of Firefox for desktops is 19 and we are told cookie blocking will first arrive in version 22.

Firefox 22 may hit the websites in August or September (guess).

HTML5 Hole in Major Browsers Lets Sites Fill Up Your Hard Dive

A Stanford computer science student has discovered a bug in major browser like chrome, safari opera and internet explorer which possibly allows websites to store data on your local drive.The name of that student is Feross Aboukhadijeh. Your system become victims of low space and you will not able to get the cause of this.

In some browser like chrome you can secure your system by reporting the bug.